Basic Information

Time Frame

2006 – 2012


Balkh Province

Area: 10 square kilometers, 15 villages


464 households


This project was initially funded by the Government of Belgium, with support from various other sectors, to revive the karakul sheep population, a valuable resource for the region.

The main responsibility for MFLF was livestock development planning that was designed to suit the geo-social environment, after which the Afghan government and local communities would implement the project themselves.

MFLF organized training programs for livestock volunteers, and set up a sheep bank. Each year, participants would exchange 10% of female lambs for veterinary services. These lambs would be presented to households who have requested loans to carry out their own livestock activities. This helped to rehabilitate the economy through social enterprise, raising the number of new livestock farms as well as the numbers of healthy sheep, while reducing their mortality rate.

This method allowed the villagers to help themselves as a form of capacity building.


A total of 287 sheep owners registered to join the program.

Veterinary services for participating livestock reduced the sheep mortality rate to


Estimated savings from the decreased livestock mortality were approximately

70 million baht

Community livestock groups were formed for better bargaining power in the market, and to reset higher sale prices.

177 poor people without assets were able to get sheep loans.

Total value at approximately

56 million baht

Livestock produce such as dung and fleece
generated an

increased income


reduced household expenses.

mobile veterinary service business / women yarn spinning enterprise

Establish 1 mobile veterinary service business to offer outreach services in exchange for payment. The para-vets were able to earn a livelihood with a stable income. Some opened their own livestock pharmacy.

Women yarn spinning enterprise The women group received skills training and equipment suitable for spinning better quality yarn. The formation of a women group helped them earn an income while working at home.